B2B Blog

B2B marketing is exciting and constantly evolving. The B2B blog focuses on the most interesting aspects for you.

Two B2B customers in WiWo Top 30

The German business magazine "WirtschaftsWoche" has drawn up a ranking of the "30 best of Germany's medium-sized businesses". We are very pleased to find two of our customers again in this ranking and congratulate the two companies that fit in so well: KWS Saat AG from Einbeck in 14th place and SICK AG from Waldkirch in 12th place. The ranking was based on growth strength.www.wiwo.de/unternehmen/mittelstand/weltmarktfuehrer-ranking-die-30-besten-des-deutschen-mittelstands


Moon avoids plastic waste

The fact that plastic waste represents a gigantic environmental problem has been driving us at Moon for some time now (see Facebook). The thin-walled PET bottles, which are now so common, are a particular thorn in our side.


Dual studies with Moon

Study or training? More and more students or new graduates no longer want to choose between these two options, but have a combination. Since September 2014, the dual study program is now available at Moon.


New space for ideas

Since August 2014, our new address is Moltkestraße 97 in Düsseldorf-Pempelfort. While we have already moved into our offices in the building, the actual new rooms are still being built - two floors below us. The rocket optics in the shop window gives you a foretaste of the future.


Strategic alliance with Godfrey

Since mid-2014, we have had a strategic partnership with Godfrey Inc. of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. It's a perfect combination, because just like us, Godfrey has 100% B2B in its blood. And just as we serve American companies in the European market, Godfrey also serves German companies in the USA.
