How interesting is the Apple Watch for B2B companies?
Written on 16. April 2015 9:55:26
Wearables are currently one of the most exciting technology topics. They offer innovative possibilities, not only for fitness and social media, but also far beyond. The topic has gained particular significance with the market launch of the Apple Watch at the end of April 2015.
As B2B experts, we were particularly interested in how the Apple Watch will influence work in B2B companies. We asked ourselves: What solutions can the Apple Watch offer in business-to-business companies? In which areas of the industry can process innovations be achieved with the watch? And what effects will it have on the way we work in the future? We have prepared our approaches in an infographic, which you can view by clicking on the button or download as a PDF.
What are you thoughts on the topic of the Apple Watch and BtoB? Have we struck a chord? Do you see other areas of application that will be interesting for B2B companies? We look forward to your feedback via